Over the past month and a half I helped David Crothers, the one-man-show in charge of Climberism produce the most recent issue of Climberism, Issue 15 - The Locals Among Us. My responsibilities included assisting with the dirty work - compiling a list of locals to showcase and contacting people who could speak knowledgeably about those locals.
In reality David did most of the work, and I was honored to help out. Just being on the periphery was awesome. For me, life has always been as much about friendship, community and being outdoors as it has been about the actual climbing.
I wrote very little for the article, a departure from the norm for me. Ultimately though, we received amazing submissions for about 30 or so really outstanding northeastern climbers. Each submission was written by an equally capable and influential northeastern climber who experienced growth alongside the person they wrote about. There are also droves of climbers we did not get to cover; there are so many influential climbers among us it's hard just to compile a list.
I'd like to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to talk about their "brothers" on a rope. Without all of you the article wouldn't exist. Check out the issue here.
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