Thursday, March 14, 2013

Matters of Perspective

We are tiny. Generally speaking, we're pretty insignificant little beings on a giant planet in a boundless and unfathomable space. This planet, our universe, these things don't pass judgments. There aren't "good" planet days, or "really bad" universe days. From hour to hour, year to year, and eon to eon things look pretty much the same.

We live our lives in a mere flicker of an instant. From an existential standpoint, the only thing that truly makes our lives good or bad is our perspective. It's true, our perspective can be influenced by so many different things. It can even change from day to day or by the hour depending on our interactions, our habits, or our history.

Last Saturday I spent the day climbing with an old friend who's perspective, no matter how tough things have been for him, always seems positive. Dave has had lots of hurdles during his relatively short life and despite these he always seems upbeat. Over the last eight years I've climbed with him a half dozen or so days. Each day has been full of engaging climbing and discussion of life's ups and downs. The day usually ends, not with our last climb together, but over a beer at a local bar. For us, right away, the connection was about more than just climbing. I can't put my finger on why. It just is.

Dave is one of the reasons why my job is amazing. The perspective is nearly always good when you get to spend lots of time outdoors with great people. Thanks for the reminder Dave. I look forward to our next day together.

Dave topping out on the lower tier, Dark Side

One of the awesome moderate chimney systems at the
Dark Side

It was a warm day, with wet ice

Subtraction Gully, a classic Dark Side ice route

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